The World Against the Jews. What Else is New?

We’re back here. Again. To the worse-than-useless United Nations. If a localized earthquake could shatter that building and drop it into the Manhattan harbor, it would be a net benefit to humanity.

The hubris of the world truly knows no bounds. The audacity of Russia to insist on a “ceasefire” they know damn well their buddies in Iran and their terrorist proxies won’t honour. Not to mention their ongoing butchery of Ukraine. The ‘Axis of Evil’ is at it again, and unfortunately joined this time by the entire rest of the Security Council minus the USA. They have all already forgotten ‘Never Again’. I keep saying it, but eventually I will need to write a systematic rending of the UN and all its odious apparatus. By the time I finish, they would be lucky if they have a desk left in the building untouched by scandal and corruption. Shame on the world.

The second monumental piece of news and one I’m sure you have heard already: the International Criminal Court has declared itself totally illegitimate through its own actions. In its aggrandized conception of itself as the moral arbiter of the world (advocating a morality which conveniently does not treat Jews as equals among humanity), the court issued arrest warrants for Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant of the Jewish state. The absurdity of this situation is impossible to overstate. Israel has gone above and beyond the call of duty to protect civilian lives under the control of their enemies EVEN AS THE GENOCIDAL TERRORISTS ARE TRYING TO KILL THOSE CIVILIANS INTENTIONALLY. Insanity. It is simply insanity. The antisemitic delusion of the world has corrupted all supposed pillars of “justice” we once had to look up to.

Even more shocking is the number of countries ACTUALLY AGREEING WITH THE WARRANTS. Trudeau in the forgotten North said he would ARREST BIBI IF HE STEPS ON CANADIAN SOIL. Thankfully, America is sane. Joe Biden rightly called it all ‘outrageous’ and reaffirmed America’s unequivocal commitment to the safety and security of the Jewish state.

I have said before that Bibi is Chamberlain-esque; which, to be fair, I said before Operation ‘Beep Beep Motherf——‘ (officially Operation ‘New Order’) literally blew the pants off Hezbollah’s middle management, followed by a decapitation strike on their high command. Yalla bye, Nasrallah. Bibi is not a monster. He is not Hitler or Stalin. If anything, he is an indecisive coward; or at least he was for the several decades prior. There is yet to be a full accounting of the security failures that Hamas exploited on October 7th, 2023. Regardless of individual failures, the buck stops at the top. However, in times of war (and especially in wars of survival) you should only replace your leadership if it will aid the war effort. If there is a Churchill waiting in the wings of your society, now is your time. Perhaps someone coming back from Gaza or Lebanon will take the reins and lead with the force of character of the old ‘British Bulldog’.

It would be remiss of me to not mention the failed vote in the United States Senate to ‘BDS’ our closest ally in the Middle East. An American arms embargo on the Jewish state? Seriously? What is this, 1948? With and without our help, the Jewish nation has survived and thrived. Such a political stunt was motivated either by ignorance about literally everything or outright hostility to the existence of sovereign Jews in their own land. Since these are United States Senators, I’m going to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume that they do actually know what they’re doing, and they chose to side with evil against the Jewish nation and people. How DARE you attempt to abandon the people of Israel when they are currently fighting a two-front war for their very survival and being attacked from four separate locations at the same time. Your names, “Senators”, will forever live in infamy along with the worst Americans to ever disgrace this land.

Every single Democratic member of the Senate that voted for this antisemitic tripe must be uprooted and cast out of the Democratic Party. They can sit as deplorable ‘independents’ all together until such time as they lose their re-election bids. We shall no longer tolerate antisemitism in America—not in our schools, not in our streets, and for damned sure not in the United States Congress. You have my oath that voting ‘yea’ on this bill has been the end of your career. You are unworthy of representing a single square inch of this great nation. Because America stands for the Good—and we stand proudly with Israel. Always.

And it is in your best interest to delete Jew haters from your party, Dems. The antisemites want to pull you down with them. You have seen how much electoral damage they have done to you already. Imagine what two more years of “free Palestine” “protests” will leave you with. I’m guessing not much. Maybe LA; which, you can have it.

The only thing more disappointing than seeing 19 United States Senators fall to an antisemitic delusion was in seeing my own state of Wisconsin’s Senator Tammy Baldwin vote ‘present’. You are the most spineless, jelly-like, amorphous shell of a human being, Tammy. You are not even worthy of the attention required to call you a coward. So consider this a gift: you utterly contemptible craven cretin. You are beneath all those who stand for principles, any principles. Any child that passes the ‘marshmallow test’ is more worthy of being a United States Senator than you. Any child that fails, too. I will watch with much displeasure as you misrepresent the values I grew up with in this state to the federal government over the next six years; or rather, as you represent no values at all.

Amy f—ing Klobuchar from the state with less lakes than us voted ‘nay’, and you can’t even do that. We are the state where Golda Meir became a Zionist. We stand with Israel UNCONDITIONALLY and FOREVER. Anyone who claims otherwise is no true Sconnie. You will be remembered in history as the biggest disgrace to our state since Joseph McCarthy. I will make sure of that.

We stand at a crossroads of history. America, at least for now, has in large part chosen to stand for the Good of Humanity by backing the Jewish nation in spite of the entire world. In less than two months, Donald Trump again becomes the leader of the free world. I have never hid the fact that I strongly dislike Trump as a person. I think he is so narcissistic that he truly believes the incredible amount of lies he tells.

And I have said before that Trump is chaos personified. I believe that to be fundamentally true. However: if what we need to destroy the dictator’s playground that is our current United Nations and the various interconnected apparatus of it is a wrecking ball…Trump may just be fit to purpose. Literally a rampaging elephant in China’s shop.

I will end with a story that should send shivers down the spine of every single human being with a soul. Rabbi Zvi Kogan of blessed memory was just found kidnapped and murdered in Dubai. An innocent life snuffed out for hatred. As I said in my extra post this week: this is what “free Palestine” leads to. It leads to dead Jews. Rabbi Kogan was murdered by antisemitic terrorists for no other reason than the fact that he was Jewish. When will ENOUGH be ENOUGH?

I am heartbroken for his family and loved ones. This didn’t need to happen. None of this needed to happen. And unless and until it stops happening, I have no choice but to continue to fight the rising hate in any way I can.

I demand Justice. For all the victims of terror across the world and across history. I will never stop fighting until Justice is done.

עם ישראל חי


The Third Lebanon War: Is It Really Over?


Extra: The Antisemitic Cult of "Free Palestine"