The ‘Genocide’ Libel: Causes and Motivations

We are one year on from the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust and a targeted genocide of the Jewish people perpetrated by Hamas terrorists across southern Israel with the intent to drive the Jews out “from the river to the sea”. It is not for lack of trying that Hamas failed to achieve a ‘Judenfrei’ Israel for the first time in millennia on and after October 7th, 2023. Hamas and their ilk are genocidal antisemitic terrorists—this is simply an accurate portrayal of reality. Not a single living soul can in good faith deny what happened that day, that it left the equivalent in dead Jews of two dozen Chișinău pogroms; and it was recorded and live-streamed by the perpetrators in ecstatic blood-soaked bliss. The mindset of such monsters is impossible for us to comprehend in the relative safety of our distant liberal democracies.

This is the first ‘stanza’ of our modern cacophony of antisemitic propaganda and lies: the fact that we simply cannot understand what it is like to think like a Hamas terrorist or a truly genocidally antisemitic human being. Their mindset is so far removed from our reality that to assume you really know anything at all about them without careful, in-depth study is to make a colossal error in judgment in some way or another. They are not “resistance” or “freedom” fighters. They are not your next Che Guevara. They are the most brutal terrorists probably on the planet at the moment (hopefully not for much longer—get ‘em, IDF).

They will stop at nothing to eliminate the Jewish people first in Israel and then across the entire planet. They will gladly sacrifice every single Palestinian life to do so. It’s why they built the most complex tunnel system on PLANET EARTH underneath the civilian infrastructure of Gaza: so that Palestinian civilians die or become displaced when Israel must go in and fight Hamas. They would gladly sacrifice you, too—they would massacre your entire family in front of you and then systematically dismantle your body while you plead for death if it meant some Jew somewhere in the world would also die.

But just try telling an Ivy League-“educated” ignoramus that. We are also one year on from the start of an absolute deluge of lies and libels targeting the Jewish nation in the wake of this horrific massacre of their people. The primary defamatory accusation making the rounds even still today is the utterly morally bankrupt claim that Israel is committing a “Gaza genocide” via its war with Hamas; in addition to the already-commonplace libel of “apartheid Israel” (as if history started after 2005) and other antisemitic absurdities. Nowhere is this nonsense stronger in America than on college campuses, and particularly among those we used to consider “prestigious”. How the mighty fall. I’m not sure Harvard or Columbia even have history departments anymore. They certainly haven’t been doing their jobs if so.

I have explained over, and over, and over again exactly why and how this accusation of “genocide” against the Jewish state is both patently absurd and deeply offensive to level in the wake of October 7th. It is fundamentally antisemitic in origin and expression. Those who make it and other false claims about the Jewish nation will make history; unfortunately for them, they will not be making the “good” history. There is a special rung in hell reserved for those who lie about the Jewish people. These are not simple lies as we think of racial stereotypes as. These are some of the most dangerous ideas on the planet to meddle with. And in pursuit of Justice, Truth, and a more tolerant future, we must oppose the falsehoods until they are banished from our planet for ever more.

It should be said that the first and primary reason for mindless mobs shouting ‘genocider’ at random Jews they see on the street is good old-fashioned racism. These are not serious people with serious ideas. They have no more critical thinking skills than a seasick tardigrade. For many of them, the equation is this simple: Jews = bad, genocide = bad, therefore Jews commit genocide. That’s literally it. This is evidenced by the fact that every other bad thing and label under the sun has been misapplied to Israel over the years by its haters: “apartheid”, “ethnic cleansing”; even “genocide” has been used in the past by antisemites to try to slander the Jewish state. These are all laughable, or they would be if they weren’t such dangerous lies to be spreading. Just what the hell is going on? What are antisemites with maybe a modicum more brain power thinking?

As I’ve said before, accusing Israel of “genocide” is perhaps the most extreme example of Holocaust inversion we have seen to date. Over a hundred thousand Shoah survivors live in Israel, and some were and are victims of October 7th. To claim they and their descendants—all refugees from the Holocaust—would commit the very act that has scarred the Jewish people for millennia…I mean, just where the hell do these antisemites get the nerve? For many of the more intelligent among them, they must realize that the accusations are hurtful and wrong. They simply don’t care for the truth. Because they can use ‘genocide’ as a weapon to hurt Jews where it really, really hurts. Not only does it bring up the most traumatic lived and generational experiences imaginable, but by trivializing the word ‘genocide’ that in theory has a HIGHLY SPECIFIC LEGAL MEANING, they therefore can detract from the suffering of the Jewish people throughout history. It’s evil genius, really. Except I don’t think any single individual among them has the wherewithal to come up with something so genuinely evil on their own.

And to get a little psychological, isn’t it such an ironic twist that after the genocidal attack of October 7th, the VICTIMS are accused of ‘genocide’? Almost as if there’s some psychological projection at work. Antisemites don’t want to admit to themselves that they actually enjoyed Hamas’s “handiwork” on October 7th, that they wanted “the Jews” to “get what they deserve”. But that’s not a socially acceptable attitude, at least not currently. What is the solution to this psychological angst? Project your feelings of genocidal hatred onto the very target of your hate. Et Voila! You want a genocide of the Jewish people? No you don’t—they want a “genocide”. Hamasniks claim the Jews want to genocide Palestinians, white supremacists claim the Jews want to genocide white people, everybody gets to go home satisfied with themselves by simply lying about everything.

Same for accusations of “apartheid” and “ethnic cleansing”—Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East and with FULL RIGHTS AND EQUAL PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW FOR ALL ITS CITIZENS. Literally the opposite of an ‘apartheid state’. Meanwhile, where are all the Jews across the Middle East and North Africa? Where is the Jewish community of Baghdad, who were there since it was Babylonia? In Israel, you say? Ethnically cleansed from Iraq? At this point, the antisemite would say without a hint of irony that they deserved it somehow.

Projection. It’s all projection, when you get right down to it. And a…healthy? dose of malevolence and hate. Truly, I don’t know why people think they can just make reality whatever they want, taking legal terms and intentionally or unintentionally misapplying them to situations they absolutely do not fit. My answer to this puzzle is that hate somehow overrides all other thinking processes. If it were any other people, in any other place or time, the world would have had Israel’s back like they had America’s after 9/11. But because it is the Jewish nation, they must stand alone. They are more than capable of doing so, but why must it be this way?

There is much more to say on the topic even with all I have said for the past year-plus. I have tried to speak the truth as loudly as I can. Until hate and lies are shunned by all, my work continues. Stay safe. Stay sane. Am Yisrael Chai 🇮🇱


President Trump. Again. And: The Amsterdam Pogrom. Again.

