
There is an unbelievable amount of ignorance, misinformation, and just straight lies out there concerning the Jewish nation and people and hatred towards them both. Untangling the delusions of the masses is the great challenge for educators of our time; and they are failing. Catastrophically. So, it’s up to people like me.

One simple misunderstanding that has grown far out of proportion (I suspect for malicious reasons) concerns the word ‘antisemitism’, and particularly the older spelling ‘anti-Semitism’. What this word is, is actually a sanitized, “scientific” replacement for the German word ‘Judenhass’ (older spelling Judenhaß) to fit with the “modern” racial theories of the late 1800s. ‘Antisemitism’ as coined by Wilhelm Marr in 1879 thus only referred to hatred against Jewish people as it is a stand-in for Judenhass or hatred of Jews. Nowadays you will find a disturbing number of individuals who claim they can’t be “antisemitic” because they are themselves “Semites”, which is really more of a linguistic classification than anything. The bottom line is that if you engage in hatred of Jews, you are an antisemite. Your personal identity has nothing to do with it.

And of course antisemitism is not so simple as to be adequately captured by reduction to “hating Jews”. It’s not a mere prejudice as we are accustomed to in American racial tensions. It’s not a “dislike” of Jews. It’s not calling Jews slurs, though that is itself a strong indication that someone may be under the influence of antisemitic beliefs. It’s not even being mad at your coworkers for taking time off for the holidays.

Antisemitism is ancient. To my knowledge it is the oldest hatred or prejudice of humanity still extant. It became the beast we know it as today through millennia of discrimination and misgivings. Two of the world’s largest religions, Christianity and Islam, both have long and storied traditions of antisemitism. This history has helped propagate it through to the present day; but it is ultimately just an effect of antisemitism, not the cause.

So what is antisemitism exactly?

To put it simply, it is the idea that “the Jews” somehow stand in the way of redemption or utopia or a “thousand year Aryan Reich” or whatever it is that someone wants to exist in the world; and for psychological convenience, that person comes to the conclusion that Jews are to blame for not getting what they want. Jews are derided as “Christ killers”even through to today across much of the world; and anyone familiar with Islamic history knows about the battle of Khaybar, the jizya tax and dhimmi status. It’s not that Jews are considered “lesser” that is the problem (although there is that too); rather, it is the idea that if it weren’t for the Jews, humanity would be in a far better place. Which is a total inversion of reality—how many Nobel prizes is it now that have gone to Jews? How much medicine, science, and technology would we have missed out on? Who would have taken the place of Einstein? But I digress.

On its own, the belief that Jews stand in the way of human progress is not enough to cause atrocity. It must be combined with motivating factors and beliefs that goad into action, such as “the ends justify the means”. Thus, if “the Jews” stand in the way of your perfect society, and “the ends justify the means”, then no level of depravity is too far to sink to so long as you can achieve a ‘Judenfrei’ result. October 7th is the most recent and most barbaric example; but just take a glance at history and you will find so, so many more.

In our upside-down, inside-out world of today, the world’s outrage at Israel’s defensive wars of survival follow this exact same pattern. Despite all the genuine evil emanating from the ‘Axis of Evil’, i.e. the Putin, Xi, and Khamenei regimes (and lil’ Kim playing soldier), for some incomprehensible reason the world is absolutely obsessed with Israel. More UN resolutions have been passed against the only Jewish nation in the world than against all other nations combined. The IRGC??? The CCP??? Putin??? Nothing. But Jews with a nation? The world says “veto”.

The late Rabbi Jonathan Sacks hit a grand-slam when he lectured on the modern incarnation of antisemitism as manifesting as hatred of the Jewish nation. Antisemitism is a mutating virus. Whatever it needs to be it will become in the minds of its victims. Since hating Jews was a bit of a faux pas after the Holocaust, antisemitism simply morphed the subject. Instead of demanding Jews be exterminated, antisemites can demand Israel be abolished “from the river to the sea”. And not a single person in any meaningful position of power will object to their genocidal hate speech.

But it’s so obvious, isn’t it? These useful idiots for Hamas and co are telling the same story that has been told for millennia. Simply rid the world of “Israel” and everything will be instantly copacetic. Never mind that Israel is a democratic country of nine million people and most of them refugees with nowhere else to go. Never mind that you plan to replace this democratic country with A GENOCIDAL TERRORIST REGIME. Nope, we just need to “free Palestine” and ethnically cleanse the Jews (for the millionth time in history) and everything will be fine. Promise.


Those “keep the world clean” signs with a Magen David in a trash can? Yeah, adding a couple blue bars to the Star of David doesn’t make your sign any less antisemitic or you any less of a garbage human being. Same story as all the other times in history—literally advocating for ‘Judenrein’. And guess what? If you’re marching with someone holding that sign, you are endorsing blatant antisemitism. You have no excuse. The “free Palestine” protests are antisemitic to their core, and always have been. It’s just that no one cares enough to do anything about it.

I have tried so, so very hard to counter this tsunami of hate. I have dedicated my entire life to this fight. But I can only do what I can. If I weren’t at least trying to save the soul of our broken world, I would never be able to live with myself. Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, I can guarantee you this: there is nothing more important in your entire life than standing up for what’s right when you are called to do so. I am calling you now. Stand up for the Good of Humanity; or face your shame in every mirror you see for the rest of your life.

🇮🇱 עם ישראל חי


The ‘Genocide’ Libel: Causes and Motivations


Justice Delivered