The 'Two State Delusion': Why Can't the World Get a Grip?

I have written several times before about the absurdity of UN resolutions demanding unilateral statehood recognition for the territory of ‘Palestine’. Not once in history has the former Arab partition or ‘Palestine’ as it is now known as wanted “independence” on the terms the rest of the world wants for it. Many times it has been offered, and many times it has been rejected. Because to accept statehood within the boundaries of the territory of ‘Palestine’ is to reject the claim they lay to the entirety of the Jewish nation.

Let us review. The state of Jordan, given to the Hashemite family to rule over and which achieved full independence from Britain in 1946, currently occupies the vast majority of the former British Mandate Palestine. Why are there no chants to “free Palestine” from the Hashemites? They’re not even a democracy.

The simple and the obvious answer is because the Hashemites aren’t Jewish. It has always, always been about Jew hatred. The only democracy in the Middle East is somehow always the bad guy, and also happens to be the only Jewish nation in the world. Funny how that works. The unspoken second half to the "free Palestine" chant is "free Palestine—from the Jews". And always has been.

The mythical “two state solution” was thus already achieved for most of the territory of the former Mandate on May 14th, 1948, when Israel declared formal independence and joined the new nation of Jordan in official statehood. The Jewish section of the partition had already been under attack from the Arab section bordering it in a civil war which began following the UN’s approval of a partition plan for the remainder of the Mandate after Jordan’s independence. Following the independence of the Jewish nation, the full Arab League (including Jordan) declared official war with the goal of total annihilation of the Jews.

They could not bear the idea that the Jews—the subjugated dhimmis of the Arab world—could actually become a nation again after thousands of years of conquest and colonization. It is their failure to accept that the Jews have the right to self-determination in their ancient homeland of Eretz Israel that has led to every war against Israel since then—and every humiliating loss they have had to endure. The Jews won against all odds in 1949 and the remainder of British Mandate Palestine was taken over by Egypt in Gaza and Jordan in the West Bank, with Israel gaining only part of the Arab partition which had waged bloody civil war against them for years. But no one talks about how Egypt and Jordan were also occupiers of the Arab partition, for nearly two decades. How many UN resolutions were issued against them for “illegal occupation”?

This is the origin by the way of the ‘Nakba’, or the ‘catastrophe’ in Arabic. The word refers to the fact that the Arabs lost even with all their combined might and were unable to destroy the Jewish nation. One of the consequences of the loss of this war of aggression they started was the displacement of the belligerents—but that was a secondary effect of the Nakba. The word in its original formulation refers to the failure to genocide the Jews in Israel and remove the only Jewish nation on Earth. Don't let ignoramuses try to whitewash history by saying it's about "ethnic cleansing" committed by the Jews and who conveniently forget that it was the Arabs who started the war and told their civilian populations to evacuate only temporarily, because surely the Jews wouldn't last very long in an all-out war. Right?

Following the loss of the Arab League in 1949, this should’ve been the end of the discussion. The Jewish nation was established and the world should have got on with it. But they couldn’t. The idea that the “rebellious Jews” had a nation again drove despicable despots like Yasser Arafat from Egypt to foment the winds of war with “pan-Arab” dreams of unity against the Jewish state. He formed the PLO, or the ‘Palestinian Liberation Organization’ (culturally appropriating the term ‘Palestinian’ from the original Palestinians, i.e. the Jews) with the explicit goal to perpetuate the violence and conflict in the Middle East until the destruction of Israel, i.e. never. Organizations like UNRWA were set up with similar goals in mind. And the Palestinian leadership with the support of the people have waged terrorism and war ever since. Intifada after intifada, suicide bombing after suicide bombing. October 7th. As Einat Wilf so succinctly put it, the Palestinians are not an incapable people—they are a people with terrible priorities.

See, people don’t realize that the PLO was established in 1964. The West Bank was still under Jordanian control until the ‘Six Day War’ of 1967. If the PLO truly wanted “liberation” for “Palestine”, then they would’ve attacked the Jordanians in the West Bank and the rest of Jordan and also the Egyptians in Gaza. But they only ever demanded the destruction of Israel. Why?

Because it’s about destruction, not statehood. In 1964, the PLO and its supporters would have gladly accepted dictatorial rule by Jordan or Egypt over the entire territory of the Mandate if it had meant the destruction of Israel. Priorities. The world wants an end to the suffering, violence, and conflict. But that will only come when the Palestinians accept the existence of the Jewish nation and decide to build something for themselves, rather than vengefully attacking the Jews with every ounce of their resources.

Because, as should be unquestioningly apparent, the Jewish nation is here to stay. Its destruction has not come even after 80 years of war and terrorism against it. The constant targeting and defamation of the Jewish nation is one of the great tragedies of our modern world. History will not look on us kindly for it. The Jews are not at fault for simply existing. Get used to their presence—they are here to stay. And there will finally be peace over Jerusalem.

🇮🇱 עם ישראל חי


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